Despite the horror of the beginning weeks, there were two female contestants who managed to captivate Idol fans and stick around until the final three - Lauren Alaina and Haley Reinhart. Recently, the ladies were invited back to the Idol stage to sing their original music during the Season 11 results shows. Their dynamic performances of the sassy "Georgia Peaches" and the sultry "Free" proves that FEMALE is the right choice!
Friday, March 23, 2012
Lauren Alaina and Haley Reinhart on American Idol
Throughout Season 10 of American Idol, I strongly campaigned for a female winner. I was disappointed when the girls were picked off one by one in the earlier stages of the competition, but nothing enraged me more than when Pia Toscano was eliminated in NINTH PLACE.
Despite the horror of the beginning weeks, there were two female contestants who managed to captivate Idol fans and stick around until the final three - Lauren Alaina and Haley Reinhart. Recently, the ladies were invited back to the Idol stage to sing their original music during the Season 11 results shows. Their dynamic performances of the sassy "Georgia Peaches" and the sultry "Free" proves that FEMALE is the right choice!
Despite the horror of the beginning weeks, there were two female contestants who managed to captivate Idol fans and stick around until the final three - Lauren Alaina and Haley Reinhart. Recently, the ladies were invited back to the Idol stage to sing their original music during the Season 11 results shows. Their dynamic performances of the sassy "Georgia Peaches" and the sultry "Free" proves that FEMALE is the right choice!
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